Author Guidelines
Author must first register as an author on the website before submitting their work.
Every author who submits articles must comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Instal: Jurnal Komputer Style Guide (can be downloaded on the Style Guide page)
The instructions for the author are as follows:
1. The language in the article uses international language (English)
2. Follow the guidelines in the journal
3. Plagiarism in the article is at least below 15%
4. Minimum reference 15 articles and the last 5 years
Manuscript Format
Format of submission by type of contribution: (a) Basic Computer Research paper, and (b) Brief Communication, Informative Paper and Letter to Editor. Manuscripts that do not meet the required format will not be accepted.
Page Layout
All submissions must: (a) be typed single-spaced using Times New Roman, 12 points, on A4 paper (21 x 29.7 cm); Before : 0 pt After : 0 pt